Thursday, July 1, 2010

Taxes & the Gay Marriage Debate

A bay area website, today, posted an article stating that Google will, soon, begin paying its Gay and Lesbian employees at a higher rate than their straight counterparts. The raise is, apparently, to compensate for taxes that gay and lesbian couples pay on health insurance benefits for their partners. These same benefits are not being offered to straight employees who have been in long term relationships but are not married. Apparently, for Google’s management, it is morally incorrect for a heterosexual couple to live together outside of wedlock but the gay and lesbian lifestyle is perfectly acceptable as The Overton window slides just a bit further to the left.

Believe it or not, I don’t think gay and lesbian couples should have to pay a tax on healthcare benefits they opt for simply because they are gay! I also do not believe straight couples should pay a tax on healthcare benefits just because they are not married; which is exactly the issue at hand here. The tax the gay and lesbian couples are paying is because they are NOT married they are not paying a tax because they are gay.

So what Google, in what is clearly a left wing concept of equality, has done is to alienate those heterosexual couples who choose not to get married. The article states that these couples could get married, if they so choose, to avoid the tax penalty.

If the federal government were to replace the federal income tax ( a law who’s pages exceed 20,000 ) with either a flat income tax or a national sales tax this would eliminate all forms of bias with regard to who pays and does not pay their taxes.

Why won’t they do this? They won’t do it because it takes their power away. If the tax laws became 100% fair for everyone who paid them, how would politicians give favors to big corporations or other large campaign donors? That’s right, they couldn’t. So the tax code becomes more bloated and less comprehensible each year as special loopholes are put in place in payment for large campaign contributions to, lifelong, career, politicians who have only their personal best interests (re-election) in mind.

Term limits!
If a politician knows that he’s going to be back in the public sector within a few years, that politician is not going to implement policies that hurt the private sector while growing the government!

A national sales tax ( only if it replaces the income tax; not as an add-on ).
If EVERYONE paid a tax on everything they buy, then EVERYONE would be paying taxes as they consume.

Let’s do a math problem:
A drug dealer goes into the local BMW dealer and wants to buy a car with cash. What is the total amount of Federal Income Tax paid on the amount of money spent on the BMW? The formula looks like this: n X 0 = y solve for Y?

If there were a sales tax, that same drug dealer would be paying taxes just like the rest of us.

Problem #2: Big wig corporate executive has all his “bonuses” paid to an offshore account. How much in US Federal Income Tax does he pay on any “Capital Gains” he receives from his “offshore investment?” That’s right the formula is the same as before n X 0 = y solve for Y.

Now this same big wig corporate exec goes down to the same BMW dealer and wants to buy a car with cash. How much does he pay in US Federal Tax if there is a sales tax in place? Obviously it would depend on the percentage rate of the tax, but the fact is he’d pay the same as the drug dealer or anyone else who bought a car of the same price! It’s FAIR to everyone!

Hey, and under a “sales tax” system, poor people pay less in taxes. Why? Because they buy less so over the course of a year, they will pay less in taxes than everyone else. No loopholes for big corporations or the rich, just a fair simple tax you pay every time you buy something!

Oh, and you say you want your retirement savings to grow, no problem; EVERY PENNY you save is never taxed until you spend it!

There ARE solutions America, elect leaders who will implement them!

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