Sunday, October 17, 2010

More Liberal Whining and Lies!

Axelrod is on CNN right now whining about the money groups, like The Chamber of Commerce, are spending on political adds for Republicans.  He claims he wants a law that will reveal the source for ALL politcal donations.  But does he?  Do the Democrats really want the country to know about the millions of dollars they receive from communist organizations?  Of course not!  So why the ploy?  Because they know there will NEVER be such a law, so they can get up on CNN and whine about campaign finance and paint the Rebulicans as Wall Street Fat Cats when IN FACT the Democrats are the ones living in one of 12 houses, flying around the world in private jets and drinking tons of liquor on the American tax payers dime!  The CNN anchor pointed out to Mr. Axelrod that CNN's own research reveals that Democrats have out spent Republicans in this election cycle.  YOU ARE BEING LIED TO AMERICA!  Vote for conservatives in November!

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