Thursday, October 29, 2009

You are TEN TIMES more likely to die from the regular flu than you are from H1N1

“At least 1 million Americans have now contracted the novel H1N1 influenza, according to mathematical models prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” ( Same article: “Although 1 million seems like a high number, between 15 million and 60 million Americans are infected by the influenza virus during a normal flu season.”

Let’s use 35 Million Americans infected by the flu each year and do some math.

Of the 35,000,000 Americans who contract the flu each year, roughly 36,000 die, EVERY YEAR! That’s .0010285% of cases ending in death contributed to flu or complications from flu. That’s ONE ONEHUNDREDTH of a percent.

The article states that 1,000,000 Americans have contracted H1N1 thus far and 127 have died ( as of June 26th 2009). That’s .000127% of cases ending in death.
That’s ONE THOUSANDTH of a percent!

What does this mean? Well it means that if you get the regular flu you are not very likely to die from it! And if you get the H1N1 flu, you are 10 times less likely to die from IT than you are from the regular flu!


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