On the Obama administration website at http://www.whitehouse.gov/realitycheck you can read all the lies they are telling in one place. For example:
Q: I have heard many people worry that health care will be "rationed" under health reform. I won’t be able to get certain tests or procedures. What if I want those tests and what if they detect something that could save my life?
Health Insurance Reform will end current forms of rationing, not expand it.
And how will they do that? They’ll force insurance companies to pay for expensive procedures that they otherwise would not cover. Hmmmm….. So your telling me, the insurance company is going to pay? I don’t think so TIM! Insurance companies don’t pay medical bills, policy holders do! If you own a policy and you don’t get sick, your premiums go to pay for those who do get sick; that’s how insurance works! When was the last time you made a claim on your home owners policy? MOST OF US NEVER HAVE or ever will! So every month, month after month, year after year we keep paying our premiums, why? Because IF we ever do need them, our insurance company will be there with money from other policy holders who don’t need help (yet). But what if the government forced home owners insurance companies to cover every house no matter what? For example, houses on earthquake faults or in flood zones or in high fire risk areas, heck what about that guy who wants’ to build on the side of an active volcano, shouldn’t he get home owners insurance too? You can cover these people, but to do it, it will cost EVERYONE much MUCH more!
Anything the government touches will cost YOU more than if they keep their grubby little hands out everyone’s pockets!
Notice, too, that not a single “response” to the questions they pose ever deals directly with the question, it ALWAYS goes back to some pie in the sky ideal about covering everyone and no one get’s left behind blah blah blah. YOU CAN’T COVER EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING AND KEEP COSTS DOWN! PERIOD!
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