"The first fact is that health insurance reform will mean more patient choice."
No Mrs. Speaker your plan will reduce my choice to ONE plan, the ONE plan run, controlled and paid for by the US Government. No Thank You!
"It will allow every American who likes his or her current plan to keep it."
How can I keep my Kaiser Plan, Mrs. Speaker, when your plan will force everyone to move on to it. Do you think my employerIs going to continue to pay 2/3 of my health insurance costs when they can provide me with "A Plan" at no cost to the company? I don't think so Mrs. Speaker!So what will happen to Kaiser when the vast majority of their members are moved off their system and onto the Single Payer Plan YOU and your boss Obama want?That's right, NO CHOICE AT ALL Mrs. Speaker! No Choice At All!
"And it will free doctors and patients to make the health decisions that make the most sense, not the most profits for insurance companies."
Mrs. Speaker, Really? Come on! Who do you think you're kidding? Exactly how are you going to pay for all the baby boomers who are going to want hip replacements?You CANT! So how could they get them? They won't be able too. And what about me? I'm VERY likely to need a knee replacement before I die. Who decides if I'm worthy? YOU MRS. Speaker? A health insurance CZAR maybe? And what of my children and grand children? How will you pay for them Mrs. Speaker? Will you rob them blind like you did my Social Security fund I've paid into my entire working life?
The only good news is, you WILL NOT be re-elected for another term.
Good bye Mrs. Speaker! You WILL NOT BE MISSED!
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