Television, video games, Internet Social Networks and even, to some extent, hand held communication devices; what do they all have in common? They keep you sleeping!
A veil has been pulled over your eyes and you are asleep; numbed into a dream world designed to distract you from reality. The media, in all its forms: movies, so called “news”, and print publications, all sing an incessant lullaby and you slumber. Your politicians pour a perpetual glass of warm milk; feeding you your daily portion of propaganda and you dream.
It’s time to wake up America!
The “sleeping giant” once, not so long ago, arose and conquered the world; only to be put to sleep again under the weight of its own success. But the giant is getting restless and it’s, once again, time to awaken. The giant’s name is not America, it is freedom!
Freedom is the underlying concept that makes America the greatest nation on earth and it is freedom that has fallen asleep and must be awakened.
The “progressives”, a mask or facade for socialism, are at war with the constitution of The United States. They are at war with freedom! They realized decades ago that “activism” against "the man" wouldn’t work; they had to become “the man” if they were to take down “the man”. So they began a concerted effort to infiltrate the system from all angles. They would become teachers, school administrators, school board members, city councilmen, mayors, state senators, governors, federal representatives and yes even President of The United States.
These "progressives" understood that they would need to control information, so they took over the news organizations, magazines and Hollywood and today they seek to control information on the Internet and radio. Their goal was complete saturation of the system with socialist ideals. The name of this new form of “activism” was “organizing”.
Every movement needs its Moses, its Genesis and for the organizer, Saul Alinsky is their Moses; his book “Rules for Radicals”, their bible. In an effort to “know your enemy”, you should read that book! But if you do not want to buy the book, simply Google “Saul Alinsky” and you will find plenty to read about this man and those who followed his teachings all the way to the White House and beyond! Yes beyond the White House, you see their fight is not with America alone, their goal is a one world order; ordered by them!
These new organizers realized they could not win overnight and thus set out to achieve their long term objectives with short term victories each compounded one upon the other; a technique known as “The Dialectic Process.” See a great explanation of this process here:, others have called it “The Overton Window”. The basic idea is to create conflict based on some goal you wish to achieve and then strive for compromise with your opponent. You argue for 100% movement in your direction, and then settle for 10% (the percentage is irrelevant as long as it is greater than zero) in the name of compromise. Your opponent believes they too have won as they can claim the 90% as their victory. But this new position, now 10% closer to your real goal, becomes the starting point for the next conflict; you then repeat the process over and over until the other side has compromised their way to 100% of your goal.
This concept is not new; our founders knew this was a problem “I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations.” -- James Madison
Ask yourself if this does not describe the past 60 years in America? Did Americans stand for the killing of innocent, unborn, babies in the 50’s? Today, your Federal Tax dollars go to pay for state funded abortions (! Did parents simply assume promiscuity from their teenagers? Today, your tax dollars are distributing to and teaching kindergarteners how to use condoms ( )! Would a family go to see a movie that contained nudity and vulgarity of every kind? Did music contain the types of lyrics that are now “normal”? Were children allowed to pray in our schools? How did these things change? Slowly!
The myriad shapes of government, humans have devised to limit the otherwise limitless bounds of self-interest; can be summarized into five forms: Totalitarianism, Oligarchy, Republic, Democracy, and Anarchy. For a great video that describes these forms of government, a video that should be required viewing by our 6th grade students and above, can be found here: .
Totalitarianism or Monarchy (Dictatorship) is the rule of a single individual over all. This form of governance is rare as more often than not, the “supreme ruler” will have a close group of subordinates who are delegated power over sectors of the society. For example, Kings have Dukes who, in the times of Kings, held power over smaller plots of land but remained subject under the Kings authority. Thus the King did not govern the entire land directly, but rather, through the local officials he appointed. This form of governance more closely resembles our next form Oligarchy and therefore true totalitarian forms of government rarely exist.
In an Oligarchy, power is held by a small group of people who oversee every aspect of society. In this form of government, the group will more often than not put forward a single individual as the “leader”. The titles vary but could include: President, Czar, King or even Supreme Leader. This handful of people dictates to the masses every aspect of their lives, from education to employment and commerce to science and even religion. Oligarchy is the most common form of government found today.
Democracy is a form of government where the people are said to govern themselves. This is a form of mob rule. If 50% + 1 of the people can be convinced of a policy or action then their will is imposed on the remaining 50% -1 of the people. Once the 50% + 1 realize that they can vote themselves programs that take from the minority and give to the majority, they will continue to do so until the minority revolts. This leads to Anarchy which ultimately (as we will see in a moment) leads to Dictatorship and then Oligarchy.
A Republic, the form of government our founders concluded was the best hope for the protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, is a representative form of government. The people elect representatives to vote for laws that reflect their own beliefs and desires. The law is the ruler of the land, not any one person or group.
Anarchy is actually the absence of rule or law. In an anarchist state, everyone does as they see fit. This type of system has never lasted long and always ends in the peoples call for order or rules. The power void is usually filled by a dictator, a single individual who ceases the moment and grabs power for himself. Because it is nearly impossible for any one individual to achieve this alone, the dictatorship devolves into an Oligarchy and thus Anarchy is not a viable, sustainable form of government.
So for the socialist “organizer”, anarchy becomes the goal. If the organizer can create sufficient chaos, so as to resemble anarchy, they need only wait for the people to demand order. They can then step into the ensuing power vacuum and restore an order remade in the image of their socialist ideals.
America, you were conned into voting into power one such organizer! If you don’t, or simply won’t believe me have a look at his personal website: . On the front page you will see the premise of this man’s work, he is “organizing for America”.
Barack Hussein Obama is an organizer (euphemism for socialist)! His goal is the absolute destruction of the American way of life or as he put it “ to fundamentally change America”. His plan of action is to nationalize every sector of our economy including education, healthcare and energy and to destroy its ability to sustain the way of life you and I have come to expect. He will increase spending and the size of government so that the government will collapses under its own weight. Once the economy begins to crumble it’s not hard to envision the chaos (anarchy) that would inevitably ensue. Once anarchy rears its ugly head the people will soon demand a “new world order”. The organizer, Barack Hussein Obama , will not allow such well scripted emergencies go to waste!
You must wake up America, before it’s too late!
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