Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Open Letter to Mr. Glenn Beck

Mr. Beck,

My wife and I watch your show, nearly, every night. Your Founders Fridays are a particular favorite for both of us.

Recently, we attended a series of evenings, with a group from our church, where videos were shown covering the topic of the Jewish Feasts and the Jewish Calendar. We thought the information, in those videos, to be important enough that we purchased them ourselves and have begun hosting our own get-togethers.

Last night, as you spoke about Black Liberation Theology/Philosophy, it occurred to me that, while your show is popular, you still have a limited audience that must, somehow, choose to tune in. An article I saw stated that your show averages 2.2 million viewers, and while that may put your show near the top of the Neilson ratings it still only represents less than 1% of the 300 million Americans who need this information!

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am when I go to work and try to explain what you’ve said the previous evening to a co-worker only to find that because of the “venue” ( being at work ) they do not wish to engage in any kind of “political or religious” talk at all. Often, if they do engage me in conversation, their response is something like “this doesn’t affect me” or “what difference could I make?” In my living room, over a cup of coffee or a beer, I could tell them exactly how they could make a difference. They could learn how their country is being slowly but surely stolen from them ( and as you know the pace has recently quickened ).

The socialist have, for decades now, used small groups to disseminate their message to the masses. As you’ve pointed out, they’ve gone so far as to infiltrate our schools and are now teaching their propaganda to our children using our own tax dollars!

You must have seen the myriad of publications available for Christian study groups, so what if you made each of your broadcasts available on DVD ( or streaming from the web ) categorized by topic; much like those publications. Small groups could form in every city in the country and meet once a week. Your show plays like a college lecture course ( a format I love by the way keep it up ). We literally could take your concept of Beck University and use it in a home study group format where we would invite our friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances to join us. I envision hundreds ( or who knows maybe thousands ) of groups in every city getting together once a week to spend one hour watching Beck University “content” and the next hour in discussion over that content. You could have “instructor guides” for a “leader” of such a small group to go over prior to the meeting to help keep the discussion on track etc..

Imagine Glen Beck University publications that take you through Marxist thought, Black Liberation Theology, Communist propaganda techniques, and systematic observations of how these things have been implemented by the left and most importantly, suggestions on how to fight back.

We need city councilmen, county government, school board members, teachers, State representatives and Federal representatives who have been taught what has happened to our towns, cities, states and our country. They need to know that WE THE PEOPLE stand behind them so they can make the tough choices which must ultimately be made.

You must admit, the left’s plan ( however slow to implement ) has been quite successful. It’s time for our side to adapt. We must educate our children so they will become the conservative leaders of tomorrow. This process must start in our homes.

Glenn Beck University, now playing on a 40” LCD, in a living room near you!

Mark Berry
Christian, Conservative, Patriot

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